Small Business Website Revisited Analysis
I started the improvement of the small business website based on the feedback that I received. The main areas that were mentioned in the feedback report are the logo text, which was small, the html tags that I used for the opening times which were <table>, the contrast of the body text.
Also, another part which needed improvement were the images optimisation and position in the products page. The images would work better centred in wider screens and one of the images from our story page was not optimised.
Another issue that I found when analysing my site was that the mobile layout was not working the same on all browsers and that issue was because I was not including in the html the meta tag that gives the browsers instructions on how to control the pages dimensions. After that the site was looking good in most browsers. Also, most of the images were not completely responsive in the first version of the small business website and that was an issue that made the site break on small screens.
Fixed Issues
To make the components of the logo look better I did as suggest made the text larger. It looked better and the name of the bakery was clearer than before. As for the semantics I changed <table> to <dl> and it makes sense because the opening hours don’t represent a table but rather a descriptive list.
As for the contrast of the body text one of the things that I changed was on our story page and visit us was to change the background of the body and the text colour to darker.
The image optimisation made a difference in our story pages and the centred images on products page look better.
Another thing that I added is an accessibility statement that I referenced from and I added it as a separate html page that is placed on the footer with the navigation on the footer. In the accessibility statement I included the scores of the colour contrast and the Siteimprove for the accessibility.
I have created a call-to-action link on the homepage linked to the products page that would be used to order the products. Also, I have used JavaScript to show if the shop is opened or not.
As for server side includes, I have used PHP for repetitive content in my case header and footer. Also, I created a 404 Error Page that is designed for the small business website.